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原作者:@Death Angel
Replaces the Scout with the Barrett MRAD MK22 ASR.
Originally submitted for the US SOCOM’s MK21 PSR (Precision Sniper Rifle) trial in 2013, the MRAD was beat out by the Remington Modular Sniper Rifle. However, in 2018, SOCOM was no longer satisfied with their MK21 rifle and re-ran the trial. Barrett’s MRAD would win the contract and the MRAD system was modified to become the MK22 Advanced Sniper Rifle (ASR). As of 2021, the U.S. Army has purchased 2,800 rifles and the U.S. Marine Corpse has purchased 250 rifles. The MRAD can be chambered in a number of calibers including (but not limited to) .308 Winchester, .300 NORMA Magnum, and .338 Norma Magnum.
This version of the rifle features a black color scheme and is equipped with Leupold mark 5hd 5-25×56 scope (the U.S. Army’s selected scope), Harris bipod, and a Wilcox Raptar-ES (class-1) Laser Range Finder.
This add-on includes an icon. It does not include firing sounds as those are packaged separately Here for modularity.
The scope lense material is from Lt. Rocky’s Insurgency MK20 Mod 0 DMR – Military Sniper. The Bipod is from Dead-Eye Devil’s (TFA)EFT Snipers Pack.
The model was made in Blender 3D, and the materials were made with Quixel and GIMP.
Reuse: If you want to modify, re-purpose, or re-upload this content onto another site, you are free to do so as long as you provide credit and a link (when possible).
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