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(作者允许转载 为了尊重作者 不能只转载模组 却不转贴他辛苦写下想让大家了解的详细介绍 但因为实在太长太长了 全部都是机翻 必定会出现译的“驴唇不对马嘴狗屁不通”的情况 大家谅解 会在帖子最后把原文粘贴上 给有兴趣想仔细了解的朋友)
最终,该模组旨在使 NPC 装载、武器选择和其他游戏元素尽可能准确到 1898 年,同时不偏离原版游戏的感觉、节奏和整体战斗 TTK。我只是对目前可用的历史准确模组不满意,所以我决定自己制作一个。我研究了几个月,我广泛地浏览了每个来源和他们的参考资料,以确保真正的体验历史上准确的。我浏览了 1896 年至 1898 年的目录,以确保当时的平民究竟可以获得什么,并且我还介绍了武器的区域偏好,因此可以在北部、东部、南部或西部更频繁地找到一些武器。我不想主要重新平衡武器统计数据,因为我不想让它感觉像是另一款游戏,我仍然希望它感觉像 Red Dead 2,尽管我确实对 Sniper Rifles & Rifles 进行了一些调整让他们感觉更像是一个有凝聚力的班级。我添加了切换/移除狙击手瞄准镜的功能,并且通过延长伤害下降范围和增加最大范围内的最小伤害,让斯普林菲尔德感觉更像是两个职业的混合体。我还调整了螺栓式步枪的伤害范围,给它一个更复杂的损坏模型,这样它就可以在 10 米以下 OHK 并且在一定范围内仍然有效,而不会压倒斯普林菲尔德。所有步枪和中继器都配备了中长瞄准镜(埃文斯除外,它缺少所需的组件数据)
-斯科菲尔德:在狂野西部期间非常受执法人员欢迎,一度由美国陆军发行标准,但到 1898 年,他们的库存大部分被清算到民用市场,使其成为他们这个年龄段的热门选择。Schofield 本身是 Smith & Wesson 3 号左轮手枪的几乎相同的变体,这是一种非常受欢迎的左轮手枪,被全世界的帮派、执法部门和军队广泛复制和使用(因此在Guarma 或在 Del Lobos 强盗手中)。短管斯科菲尔德和镀镍斯科菲尔德在商业市场上非常受欢迎,一个著名的客户是富国银行 (Wells Fargo and Company),他们向他们的驿马车司机发行了 5 英寸枪管变体。可以在市民、帮派、马车司机和警卫身上找到。
-博尔特行动步枪:美国陆军的标准步枪,专供陆军和要塞守卫使用。当时,美国对外国枪械的态度令人难以置信地犹豫不决,甚至美国陆军自己也不得不打官司,并承受来自美国国内枪支行业的巨大压力,要求他们采用并在当地生产挪威的克拉格·约根森(Krag Jorgensen)作为1892型(Bolt Action Rifle)。就像半自动手枪和卡尔卡诺手枪一样,你不会发现这种武器在普通民众手中,甚至比其他两种武器更为常见,因为当时它不可出售给平民。
-Varmint步枪:最早成功的滑膛步枪之一,温彻斯特1890(Varmint Rifle)在一个.22英寸的弹壳里装了惊人数量的子弹,由于它的实用性、射速和低廉的成本,它经常被射击馆和目标射击者使用,也经常被帮派和小偷使用。具体来说,Varmint似乎是基于温彻斯特1890的第二款,从接收器背面的螺丝来看。不管维基百科怎么说,他们确实在1901年之前生产了温彻斯特1890的蓝色接收器,我对此进行了广泛的研究,我发现了多个例子,最早的是1894年。帮派成员、平民和旅行者很少使用
-Pump Action Shotgun:受猎人和警察欢迎。尽管温彻斯特1895(Pump Action)以其在战壕中的表现而闻名,但直到1899年,它才被美国陆军采用,因此他们没有使用它
要求 Lenny’s Mod Loader
将 “Accurate NPC Weapons” 文件夹放到 RDR2 主目录的 “lml” 文件夹中
- 老实说,我不知道是否有很多重新添加的马匹有马厩槽,所以如果你遇到马厩的任何问题,这就是为什么
- 由于某种原因,这个 mod 不会影响任务中的装载量。我仍然不知道为什么,我想有一个文件规定了任务中的装载量,一旦我找到它,我会相应地更新它
- 因为他们直到结语才遇到,我给了 Laramie Gang 一个准确到1907
- Lancaster 游戏中的模型在技术上与特定的 Winchester 模型(类似于 1873 Saddle Ring 卡宾枪,但具有 1894 的平边机匣)在技术上不是 1:1 准确的,因为差异可以忽略不计我决定描绘所有模型,因为它是最准确的
- 由于游戏中没有西班牙毛瑟枪,Guarma 士兵/警卫的装备有点不准确,因为他们会使用古巴当时使用的任何东西。Rolling Block 和 Winchester 仍然会经常出现,所以游戏中的装载在技术上并不准确,但在 IRL 中你会看到更多的西班牙毛瑟枪
——从我收集到的信息来看,目前不可能让 NPC 的生成添加到 Online 的发射后武器,例如 LeMat 或 Evans。但是,它们可以使用 M1899 手枪生成 - 游戏中的 Volcanic 手枪在技术上不是原始的 Volcanic 手枪,而是更高口径的售后市场改装,这在现实生活中从未做过,售后市场的口径变化通常是定制的,通常不会在这样的情况下完成大批量,它正在官方目录中做广告,所以我要忽略这方面,并将 Volcanic 视为它仍然装有 .41 口径火箭弹
1.1 Changelog
-Lowered catalog price of Rolling Block, Schofield, Double-Barrel Shotgun, Litchfield & Lancaster to reflect the fact that they were popular for being affordable at the time
-the Long Scope has now been restored to Sniper Rifles, Sniper Rifles now spawn without a scope by default, and NPC Sniper Rifles without scopes will no longer default to the Medium Scope when picked up (and the catalog file is now required)
-tightened up some existing law & civilian loadouts, added new dedicated loadouts for Saint Denis & Blackwater upper class, New Austin banditos, and Saint Denis law enforcement
-Removed “infinite ammo” from Guarma soldier/Army loadouts, since the the amount of ammo they could carry at one time would be restricted
-diversified the horses of “civilian” dispatch in Rhodes, adding the possibility of Morgans, Hungarian Half-Breds, and the Donkey. Added the Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker, the Black Snowflake Appaloosa, and Eagle Flies’ Splashed White American Paint to their respective pools of wild horses, added the Mule to the wildlife of Guarma
-added a hound to Emerald Ranch, and the possibility of a Yellow Lab instead of Chocolate Lab at Rathskeller Fork
-new merge file: John Marston Restoration Project (more coming soon)
1月19日 1.2版本更新
(主要文件 1898 – 精确的 NPC 武器)
- 修复了破坏游戏的加载错误 –
- 提高了 Cattleman 的子弹力,降低了 Double-Action 的子弹力以使其口径更准确
minor update & a critical bug fix
-fixed game-breaking loadout bug
-raised bullet force of Cattleman, lowered bullet force of Double-Action to be more caliber-accurate
(可选文件 约翰·马斯顿修复项目 3.4 合并)
- 将此 mod 和 GuiCORLEONEx794 令人敬畏的 John Marston Restoration Project mod 合并为一个。这取代了两个独立的模组,因此请确保您在 lml 中没有它们各自的文件夹
- 修复了破坏游戏的加载错误
-merges both this mod and GuiCORLEONEx794’s awesome John Marston Restoration Project mod into one. This replaces both of the standalone mods, so make sure you don’t have their respective folders in lml
-fixes game-breaking loadout bug
(非常感谢作者 ThePickledPickle)
overhauls NPC loadouts & weapon choice to be as historically accurate as possible, re-balances law enforcement loadouts, Rifle damage drop-off range, tweaks to sniper rifles and more. No more Carbine Repeater for everyone!
Ultimately, this mod aims to make NPC loadouts as historically accurate to 1898 as possible. I simply wasn’t satisfied with the historically accurate mods currently available, so I decided to make one myself. I wanted the challenge of learning something new that I never looked into deeply before (1890’s and before), so I researched for months, I went through each source and their references extensively to ensure an experience that’s ACTUALLY historically accurate. I went through catalogues from 1896-1898 to ensure what exactly was available to civilians at the time, and I’ve also introduced area preference for weapons, so some weapons can be found more often in the North, East, South, or West. I did not want to majorly re-balance weapon stats to be more accurate, as I didn’t want to take away from the feel & pacing of the vanilla game. I did make some tweaks to Sniper Rifles & Rifles to make them feel more like one cohesive class. I added the ability to toggle/remove the scope for Snipers, and I made the Springfield feel more like a hybrid of the two classes by lengthening the damage drop-off range and increasing minimum damage at max range. I also adjusted the damage range for the Bolt-Action Rifle, giving it a more sophisticated damage model so that it can OHK under 10m and still be effective at range, without overpowering the Springfield. The Long Scope for Sniper Rifles has been replaced with a No Scope option, since replacing the scope was the only way I could get it to spawn for NPCs. Included is an optional file that fixes the “long scope” name in the Gunsmith, and adds the Medium & Long scope to all rifles & repeaters
Cattleman: despite being the former standard-issue revolver for the US Army, the Cattleman (Single Action Army) was still a very popular choice for soldiers, gangs, and law enforcement due to it’s stopping power and reliability, and was heavily abundant on the civilian market for years. Lawmen tend to use long barreled, civilians tend to use short barrel. Short barrel exclusively for (limited) Army & Government usage.
-Schofield: Very popular with lawmen during the Wild West, at one point standard-issued by the US Army, but by 1898 their stock was mostly liquidated to the civilian market, making them a popular choice for their age. The Schofield itself is a nearly-identical variation of the Smith & Wesson No.3 revolver, an immensely popular revolver that was widely copied & used by gangs, law enforcement and militaries worldwide (so it would make sense to see a No. 3 in Guarma or in the hands of a Del Lobos bandito). Short-barreled Schofields & nickel-plated Schofields were very popular on the commercial market, a notable customer of such was Wells Fargo and Company, who issued a 5-inch barrel variant to their stagecoach drivers. can be found on citizens, gangs, coach drivers, and guards.
Double Action: replaced the SAA (Cattleman) as the standard-issue revolver in military service, almost exclusively issued with a blued finish. By this point, the Model 1892 (Double-Action) and its identical successors Model 1894 & 1896 are some of the most popular revolvers in America. Used by law enforcement, civilians, fort guards & Army with long or short barrel, in blackened, blued, or nickel.
Carbine Repeater: popular with the Union Army during the Civil War, and with law enforcement in the years that followed, but by 1898 was almost entirely replaced by the Winchester (Lancaster). It was rarely used by the Confederate Army during the Civil War, due to the scarcity of its proprietary .56-.56 Spencer ammunition in the South, and this would naturally apply to gangs and law enforcement too. Despite 56-.56 Spencer ammo being produced well into the 20’s and 30’s, it was nowhere near as popular as Rockstar seems to think. Out of all the Civil War repeaters, the Spencer WAS one of the more popular & reliable ones, but nowhere near as popular as the Carbine Repeater is in-game. Used sparingly by law enforcement, gangs, and travelers
Lancaster Repeater: Arguably the most popular repeating rifle of its time, very similar to how everyone carries Carbine Repeaters in the default un-modded game. the 1866 Yellow Boy Winchester featured by default has been replaced by the more contemporary 1873 Winchester, 1892 and 1894 Winchester for gangs, US Army, civilians, and law enforcement. Some civilians, gangs & law enforcement still use the 1866, as it was a very reliable option and cheap on the civilian market, despite being outdated for the time
Litchfield: predecessor to the Winchester (Lancaster), the Henry (Litchfield) was popular with both sides during the Civil War, and with lawmen in the decades that followed. However, by 1898 it was not in much official use anymore, a slightly harder-to-find gun overtaken in popularity by it’s successor. Limited usage by civilians, law enforcement, guards, and gangs, with an extremely rare chance to find an early-production rifle with a steel receiver on civilians
Bolt-Action Rifle: standard issue rifle for the US Army, used exclusively by the Army and fort guards. At the time, the US was incredibly hesitant to foreign firearms, and even the US Army themselves had to fight a lawsuit and incredible pressure from the domestic US gun industry to adopt & locally produce the Norwegian Krag-Jorgensen as the Model 1892 (Bolt-Action Rifle). Much like semi-auto pistols and the Carcano, you would not find this weapon in the hands of the general public, even more so than the other two since it was not available for sale to civilians at the time.
Varmint Rifle: one of the first successful slide-action rifles, the Winchester 1890 (Varmint Rifle) packs a surprising amount of punch into a little .22 cartridge, and due to it’s utility, rate of fire, and cheap cost, it saw regular use with shooting galleries and target shooters, but also gangs & thieves. Specifically, the Varmint seems to be based on the 2nd model of Winchester 1890, judging by the screws on the rear sides of the receiver. Despite what Wikipedia says, they did produce blued receiver Winchester 1890’s before 1901, I looked into this extensively and I’ve found multiple examples, the earliest from 1894. Rarely used by gang members, civilians & travelers
Springfield: former standard issue rifle for the US Army, replaced by the Model 1892 (Bolt-Action Rifle). Despite this, it was still used by rear-echelon troops until the Spanish-American war, after which most were unloaded onto the civilian market, making them a popular choice for hunters, gangs, guards and lawmen. Also used by some soldiers and fort/prison guards
-Rolling Block: Similar to the Double-Barrel Shotgun, the Rolling Block’s cheap cost, hard-hitting capabilities, and venerability made it quite popular with all walks of life. By 1898, it was one of those “well shit, we need something” kinda guns, but it was quite capable in its role. Despite its popularity with export and civilian sales, it was not favorably seen by the Army and was not officially adopted by them in sizable numbers. Used occasionally by gangs, guards, and lawmen
Carcano: Not used by anyone. Since the Carcano uses a proprietary round, civilians with no connections or money would have a horribly difficult time finding any ammo, and even then, the variant depicted in-game is not the historically accurate long rifle that it should be (M1891), but the WWII-era carbine conversion (M91/38), so realistically you wouldn’t see the Carcano depicted in-game at all
Semi-Auto Shotgun: Not used by anyone, while prototypes were extant at this time it wasn’t released on the market until 1900
Pump-Action Shotgun: Popular with hunters and lawmen. Despite being famous for it’s performance in the trenches, the Winchester 1895 (Pump-Action) wasn’t adopted by the US Army until 1899, so it’s not used by them
Double-Barrel: Usage mostly restricted to “lower” units like sheriffs, low-level lawmen, and gangs. Reliable, sturdy, and easy to maintain, the double-barrel shotgun was staggeringly popular at the time, in a multitude of different finishes
Sawed-Off Shotgun: Despite the name, the Sawed-Off depicted in-game is a specialty-made short barreled shotgun, not a cut down Double-Barrel. Which was somewhat common back then, but since they were quite expensive, most custom-made SBS’ of the time were used for sport shooting & hunting. Thus, I only gave the Sawed-Off to groups who could realistically be able to order & purchase a custom-made sporting firearm, such as upper-tier gangs, hunters and civilians
Pistols: Mauser used by Bronte’s guards, Volcanic used by civilians very rarely, C93 & M1899 isn’t used by anyone. Semi-automatic pistols were not very popular in America at the time (1898). Most semi-auto pistols on the market, if not all, were foreign designs in calibers that weren’t easy to find for Americans, so in 1898 the only people who would have a semi-automatic pistol are people with connections, wealthy citizens like Bronte who could afford them and have a reliable source of ammunition
Knives & Attachments: Different loadout groups will now use different knives. Micah’s knife is used by high level guards, Kieran’s knife is used by ambient & lower-level lawmen, the Wide-Blade knife is used by Guarma soldiers, Uncle’s knife is used by the US Army & Sisika Guards, and Bill’s knife is used by higher-level bounty hunters & lawmen. As mentioned before, the Long Scope has been removed from snipers so that the No Scope option could function properly for NPC’s, the Rare Rolling Block still has the Long Scope equipped however
Law loadouts have been re-balanced to be centered around location and the affluence of an area, rather than “difficulty”, so this means the lawmen in Saint Denis & Blackwater will carry better equipment than poorer areas like Rhodes & Annesberg. Guarma law enforcement originally shared loadouts & dispatch info with already existing lawmen, this has been rectified and Guarma law enforcement now have their own loadouts and dispatch groups. the cut Liver Chestnut Hungarian Halfbred has been re-added as a bounty hunter/lawman horse, while also adding other Hungarian Halfbreds to the pool. I also added the Tiger Striped Bay Mustang to horse spawn pools that feature the Mustang, as the TSB Mustang is one of the few coats featured in-game that actually occurs in real life.
drop the Accurate NPC Weapons folder in the lml folder of your RDR2 main directory. to install the catalog file, drag & drop both catalog_sp & the install file into the folder
-loadouts are the same between 1898 & 1907, and since this mod is specifically tailored to 1898, inherently the Epilogue will be less accurate than Chapters 1-6
-since they’re not encountered until the Epilogue, I gave the Laramie Gang a loadout that’s accurate to 1907
-the Lancaster in-game model is technically not 1:1 accurate with a specific Winchester model (similar to the 1873 Saddle Ring carbine, but with the flat-sided receiver of the 1894), since the difference is so negligible I decided to portray all models since it would be the most accurate
-scopeless sniper rifles that spawn on NPCs will default to the Medium Scope once picked up. The scope can be removed by selecting the Long Scope/No Scope option at the Gunsmith
-since there’s no Spanish Mauser in the game, the Guarma soldier/guard loadouts are somewhat inaccurate since they would be using whatever Cuba would use at the time. the Rolling Block and Winchester would still be seen somewhat often, so the loadout featured in-game isn’t technically inaccurate, but IRL you would see way more Spanish Mausers
-from what I’ve gathered, it’s currently impossible to make NPC’s spawn with a post-launch weapon that was added to Online, such as the LeMat or the Evans. However, they are allowed to spawn with the M1899 pistol
-the Volcanic pistol in-game is technically not the original Volcanic pistol, but an aftermarket retrofit for a higher caliber, this was never done in real life and aftermarket caliber changes were typically custom-ordered, it’s not typically something that’s done in such a large batch that it’s being advertised in an official catalogue, so i’m gonna ignore that aspect and treat the Volcanic as if it’s still chambered for .41 caliber rocket ball
-I want to maintain historical integrity wherever I can, so if I’m wrong about anything do let me know and I’ll correct it
巨好用模组 » 【N网转载】1898 – 历史上准确的 NPC 装载大修 (1月19日更新 1.2 版本)