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(注意 如果至今你还不了解这个MOD 有兴趣试试的话 强烈建议最好在游戏彻底通关后 养老闲逛时使用 能增添不少乐趣 也能避免万一与任务之间发生冲突 导致各种问题出现 影响游戏体验) 这个模组其实已经不用多说 大家应该早就用过了 21年7月发布到22年8月作者更新最终版 N网已将近5万的下载量 不知道站内有没有 因为翻找太费时直接转载了 给万一还有没用过的朋友备着吧 下面介绍不想看的话 只用“lml”安装主体文件即可 非常简单 可选项有些都是配合另一个模组使用的 不用管就行
★2月22日更新——版本 8.0-BOI
〉 添加了带有准确徽章的调查局特工(感谢 GuiCORLEONE),他们很少在黑水镇出现。
〉 1907年 艾德格·罗斯和阿齐·福特德姆 将获得警局徽章,1899年罗斯仍将获得平克顿徽章。
〉 添加了一个适合游戏主线故事的可选文件,你的同伴将不再无缘无故的攻击敌方帮派,打断破坏对话,执法人员不再莫名攻击莱莫恩掠夺者。
〉 通过QwardNaffle添加了与经典角色的兼容性,将ped重命名为新的peds,你可以在插件文件夹中查看他们的名称以生成它们(这只会合并ped,而不是纹理,你仍然需要自己合并纹理)
〉 对添加的帮派模型进行小更新
〉 还有更多其他修复…
- Lemoyne Raiders – Scarlett Meadows(斯嘉丽·梅多斯)和 Bayou NWA(巴尤恩瓦),可以看到驾驶装有炸药或加特林的马车。
- Wapiti Warriors – Ambarino(安巴里诺)
- Laramie – Big Valley(大峡谷) 和 Heartlands(大地之心)
- O’Driscolls – Big Valley(大峡谷)和 Heartland(大地之心),很少出现在 Valentine Saloon(瓦伦丁)。可以看到驾驶货车。
- Del Lobos – New Austin(新奥斯汀),有时在 Heartland(大地之心)
- U.S Army – Cumberland Forest(坎伯兰森林)和 Grizzlies(灰熊区)。可以看到驾驶补给车或战车
- The Grays – Scarlett Meadows(斯嘉丽·梅多斯)
- Murfree Broods – Roanoke Ridge(罗诺克山脊)
- Skinner Bros -Tall Trees(高树)
- Bronte Goons – Saint Denis(圣丹尼斯)
- Walton Gang – New Austin(新奥斯汀),可能会出现在 Armadillo Saloon(犰狳镇)
- Bollard Twins – New Austin(新奥斯汀)
- Williamson Gang – New Austin(新奥斯汀)
- Treasure Hunters – New Austin(新奥斯汀)
- Dutch Gang – Tall Trees(高树) and Great Plains(大平原)
- Night Folks – 很少穿过 Bayou NWA(巴尤恩瓦)
仅默认生成、默认和 1899 生成、默认和 1907 生成
- 从原始 RDRI 中添加了5个帮派
- 新增 RDR Bill、Javier 和 Dutch 作为新 peds ,同时作为 NPC 和可玩角色(可玩版本具有有效的死眼和固定的重新加载)
- RDR 账单可以通过为 NPC 生成 “Bill_LEADER” ,为 Rampage 自定义输入生成 “PC_Bill”
- RDR Dutch 可以通过为 NPC 生成 “Dutch_LEADER” ,为 Rampage 自定义输入生成 “PC_Dutch”
- RDR Javier 可以通过为 NPC 生成 “Javier_BANDITO” ,为 Rampage 自定义输入生成 “PC_Javier”
- 为 RDR Dutch、Bill 和 Javier 添加了新的服装变化
RDR Gang Addon:
- Added the 5 gangs from the original RDRI
- Added RDR Bill, Javier and Dutch as new peds, both as NPC and Playable (Playable version has working deadeye and fixed reloading)
- RDR Bill can be spawned by spawning ‘BILL_LEADER’ for NPC, ‘PC_BILL’ for Playable on Rampage custom input
- RDR Dutch can be spawned by spawning ‘DUTCH_LEADER’ for NPC, ‘PC_DUTCH’ for Playable on Rampage custom input
- RDR Javier can be spawned by spawning ‘JAVIER_BANDITO’ for NPC, ‘PC_JAVIER’ for Playable on Rampage custom input
- Added new outfit variations for RDR Dutch, Bill, and Javier
- Thieves Landing – 由 Bollard Twins 居住
- Twin Rocks – 由 Walton Gang 居住
- Pikes Basin – 由 Bollard Twins 居住(需要 Project New Austin 模组)
- 从 Twin Rocks 和 Thieves Landing 中移除了 Del Lobos(脚本归功于 SgtJoe)
- Pleasance House – Populated by Walton Gang
- Colter – 亡命之徒 (这将导致第 1 章出现问题,开始新游戏时删除 Colter.ymt)
New Gang Hideout:
- Thieves Landing – Populated by Bollard Twins
- Twin Rocks – Populated by Walton Gang
- Pikes Basin – Populated by Bollard Twins (Requires Project NA)
- Removed Del Lobos from Twin Rocks and Thieves Landing (credit to SgtJoe for the script)
- Pleasance House – Populated by Walton Gang
- Colter – Populated by Outlaws (This will cause issue with Chapter 1, remove Colter.ymt when starting a new game)
- 帮派会攻击任何穿过他们路径的其他帮派
- 现在可以从敌方帮派和执法人员那里掠夺特殊弹药
- 增加 Del Lobos 战利品价值
- 为 Laramie Gang、Bronte Goons、Wapiti Warriors、US Marshall 和 Saint Denis & Blackwater Police 添加了独特的名称
- 从联机添加偷猎者
- 女性骑手可能很少产出
- 新增非裔美国人帮派,原本是任务专属 NPC
- 添加高级 NPC 作为圣丹尼斯驿站马车乘客
- 在新奥斯汀周围增加了驿站马车
Quality of Life Changes:
- Gangs will attack any other gangs that cross their path
- Special ammo can now be looted from enemy gang and lawmen
- Increased Del Lobos loot value
- Added unique names for Laramie Gang, Bronte Goons, Wapiti Warriors, US Marshall, and
Saint Denis & Blackwater Police - Added Poachers from Online
- Female riders may rarely spawn
- Added African-American Gang which was originally mission exclusive NPC
- Added high-class NPC as Saint Denis stagecoach passengers
- Added stagecoaches around New Austin
- Enemy gang will attack you on sight [OPTIONAL]
3rd Meteorite
每个帮派(包括 RDR1 帮派)都会在圣丹尼斯各处生成,导致他们之间发生大规模枪战。
要求:Lenny’s Mod Loader
安装:将解压后 “Ambient Gang – RDR1 Gang Addon” 文件夹拖放到 “lml”
To Install:
Copy Ambient Gang – RDR Gang folder to lml
To install Compatible File, simply replace the conflicting file
To install New Gang Hideout, Copy the .ymt files to scenario folder, and copy the .asi script into script folder or the game directory
①主文件 环境帮派-8.0-BOI 版本
②可选 1899帮派重生
只有1899帮派会出现。替换 Popcycle.dat
③可选 1907 帮派重生
删除 1899 帮派并添加 1907 帮派。替换 popcycle.dat
④可选 全帮派攻击
所有帮派一看到你就攻击你,用这个替换 relationship.meta
⑤可选 完美的动物模组兼容性
⑥可选 Bollard Twins 派克盆地-北美项目
将 Bollard Twins 添加到派克盆地,需要 Project New Austin 模组。用这个替换 NA 文件夹中的 pikes_peds.xml
Added Bollard Twins to Pike Basin, requires Project NA. Replace pikes_peds.xml in NA folder with this one
⑦可选 新帮派藏身处-最终版
将 .ymt 文件复制到场景文件夹,将脚本文件夹复制到 ambient gang 或将 .asi 复制到主游戏目录。如果您要开始新游戏,请删除 Colter.ymt。感谢 SgtJoe 的脚本。建议完成游戏后使用
Copy .ymt files to scenario folder, copy the script folder into ambient gang or copy the .asi to the main game directory. Remove Colter.ymt if you’re starting a new game. Credit to SgtJoe for the script. Recommended to use after finishing the game
⑧杂项 圣丹尼斯帮派战争
每个帮派成员(包括 RDR1 帮派)都会想占领圣丹尼斯,导致所有人之间发生大规模枪战。只需替换 ambientpedmodelset.meta 和 popgroups.ymt
⑨可选 故事兼容
同伴将不再无缘无故的攻击敌人帮派,打断对话,执法人员不再莫名攻击莱莫恩掠夺者。替换 relationships.meta
(非常感谢作者 Blackjacks420n)
版本 Final-Redux
〉Improved gang spawn
〉added 1899 and 1907 gang spawn
〉Micah gangs should attack you now
〉Fixes and improvement to gang hideout
〉Added Saint Denis Gang War
〉Reverted the popcycle spawn, as it doesn’t work as expected, and also fixed chaotic Van Horn (again)
〉Added gang can now be looted, also fixed Night Folk not being hostile and unarmed for non-JMAO merge user
〉Special ammo can be randomly looted from enemy gang and lawman, also added alternative gang hideouts
〉Added custom names for Wapiti Warriors, Bronte goons, Saint Denis & Blackwater Police, and US Marshall
〉Added Poachers, African-American Gang, and female riders
〉Increased Del Lobos loot value
〉Added new outfit variations for RDR Dutch, Bill, and Javier
〉Added high-class NPC as Saint Denis stagecoach passengers
〉Added stagecoaches around New Austin
Version 7.0
〉1. Updated addon gang loadout
〉2. Updated addon gang AI
〉3. Added dirts to treasure hunters
〉4. Walton gang is now beefier
〉5. Laramie now has proper name instead of ‘stranger’
〉6. Slight update to 1911 dutch
〉7. Increased horse variety for native and dutch gang riders
〉8. Perfect Animal is now separated
〉9. Added Bollard Twins to Pike Basin [Project NA Required]
〉10. Separated gang rider spawn from travellers, enemy gang no longer rides with random riders, although they may still rarely ride with another gang
〉11. O’Driscolls, Lemoyne Raiders and US Army drives unique wagon
〉12. Added unique brawlstyle for rdr1 bill and dutch (both npc and playable)
〉13. Bollard Twins now populates Thieves Landing
〉14. Walton gang now populates Twin Rocks
Version 6.0
〉Added Treasure Hunters
〉Added RDRI Javier
〉Minor fixes and improvement
Version 5.0
〉Added Dutch Gang and Williamson Gang
〉Added 1911 Dutch and Bill
〉Added proper names for added gangs
〉Added spawnpoint for Walton Gang in Armadillo Saloon, and O’Driscoll in Valentine Saloon
Version 4.0.1
〉Added JMAO compability
〉Version 4.0.0
〉Added Bollard Twins and Walton gang as a new gang to roam New Austin
〉Fixed Van Horn npc killing each other
Version 3.0.1
〉Fixed the issues with crashing
Version 3.0
〉Lemoyne Raiders and Lawmen will attack each other
〉Lemoyne Raiders may be rarely seen driving dynamite wagon or gatling wagon
〉US Army may be rarely seen driving gatling wagon and supply wagon
〉Murfree brood and skinner bros will attack everyone on sight, and vice versa
〉Bronte Goons will now roam Saint Denis
〉Enemy gang can attack you on sight (OPTIONAL)
〉Fully integrates the “More Perfect Animals” mod
Version 2.0.1
〉Lemoyne Raiders and the Greys will now attack each other on sight
Version 2.0
〉Overhauled the population mechanic, gang will now spawn more common and have better chance running into each other
〉Gangs will now roam towns
〉Native Americans roams the western part of the map
〉US Army roams the Grizzlies
〉Del lobos roams the Heartland
Version 1.0
〉Adds more roaming gang
〉Gangs will attack any gang that cross their path
Version 0.1
〉First Release
巨好用模组 » 【N网转载】Ambient Gang——环境帮派 – 8.0-BOI 版本(2月22日更新)