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720S Fury: British open mid-motor with an individual carbon body kit In 2011, following a prolonged absence, McLaren returning to the mid-motor sports car market with the MP4-12C, which became known simply as the 12C. This model, initially available as a coupé and subsequently also as a spider, instantly punched through against its Italian competitors. The same applies to the new successor to the 12C, the 720S – also available as both a coupé and a spider. The Russian specialists at TopCar Design have now developed an extensive, high-quality body kit for this powerful sportster, which clocks in at 720 hp and 770 Nm of torque. Its name, “Fury”, is certainly a fitting choice given the McLaren’s extreme, furious aesthetic since the refurb.
Update: 1.3
Glasstints on lights fixed, Had double glass mesh. Removed one mesh. Now it works.
Update: 1.3
Glass tints all windows now
tilting fixed, i think? (:
Update: 1.2.1
Hands on steeringwheel.
update: 1.2
Fixed light tints on glass.
All regular car functions
HQ Interior
HQ Exterior
Primary Color: Body
Secondary Color: Caliper
Convert: Dennissaurus
Topcar kit: unknown.
Pics: Pandolfi, Dennissaurus
If you find any bugs, Contact me on discord (Do NOT contact me if you need help to convert your model)
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